How to Free Up Your Time with Standard Operating Procedures

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Today I’m going to share how you can free up time by using ‘Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)’ in your property business.

In a world of grind, hustle and ‘JFDI’ you’d assume you have to do everything in your business.

But there comes a point when you reach capacity and you need help!

At that point you want written processes ready to go, to hand over key tasks to other people.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) make it easier to outsource, freeing up your time so you can focus on growing your business.

The problem is people don’t document what they do and how they do it as they go along, so they end up stuck working IN their business, rather than ON it.

Standard Operating Procedures will Release You From the Daily Business Grind.

So if this is a sensible thing to do, why don’t more people do it?

• Don’t understand the benefits of getting business procedures out of their head
• Don’t make the time to document what they’re doing
• Don’t know how to create them
• Don’t know what to document and outsource

If they resonate with you don’t worry…

Here’s your step by step SOP guide:

Step 1: Create a list of repetitive tasks

Start by documenting tasks you’re already doing.

Outsourcing new stuff won’t free up your time and you’ll be no further towards getting out of working IN your business…

Here are some example tasks you may be doing:

  • reviewing properties online

  • reconciling your accounts

  • finding comparable properties

  • adding networking contacts to your address book and emailing them

  • analysing deals

  • marketing rooms on online portals

Have a think - what would you add to this list?

Step 2: Write step by step instructions for these tasks

Document how you complete each of these tasks.

It could be written down in a series of steps, a screenshare or video. Whatever works for you…

Think about:

  1. What tools you use - web browser, spreadsheet, specialist software. Are user logins needed?

  2. What information is needed? e.g. on Rightmove - what maximum price, no. of bedrooms, location, condition etc…

  3. What is expected when the task is complete? - spreadsheet list, email, Asana message…

  4. What do you just know, that someone else may not e.g. judging the condition of a property - what is acceptable, what is not?

  5. Who is involved in the process?

Remember you’re capturing what you do so someone else can do it for you so put yourself in the others person’s shoes…

Step 3: Trial the Process

Step into the shoes of a future team member and follow your new procedure step by step.

  • where are there gaps in the process?

  • where do you use discretion / intuition that another person may not have?

  • is there anything to add / take away?

  • can you add anything to make the explanation easier - screenshots, audio, video?

Refine and improve your process. If possible ask someone else to try out the procedure to give you feedback.

Step 4: Handover to a Team Member

Once you’ve documented and trialled your new procedure you’re ready to hand it over to someone else. This could be a staff member, virtual assistant or contractor.

  • check in with the team member to make sure they understand the process and answer any questions

  • review the output to make sure the end result is what you expect

Step 5: Review SOPs on a Regular Basis

Remember - things change!

The tools, the results you need, the process, all may change! So it’s important you (or another team member) regularly reviews your SOPs to update them as needed.

All Systems. GO!

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